Tomato Mozzarella Chicken

by 8:39 AM 0 commentaires


Tomato mozzarella chicken right off the grill with a balsamic glaze and additional balsamic drizzle.


  • 4 whole Skinless Chicken Breasts
  • 2 Tablespoons Olive Oil
  • ¼ cups Balsamic Vinegar Plus More For Drizzling
  • 1 pinch Salt
  • 3 ounces, weight Fresh Mozzarella, Sliced
  • 2 whole Medium Tomatoes, Sliced
  • ¼ cups Fresh Basil, Diced


Take chicken breasts and place in a ziploc bag. Pour olive oil, balsamic and salt into bag. Let sit in mixture for at least 45 minutes.
Heat the grill to around 375°-450°F. Grill chicken for 2–3 minutes on both sides or until internal temperature reaches 160°F.
Remove chicken from grill and immediately add slices of mozzarella. Top with tomato and fresh basil. Drizzle with more balsamic vinegar and another pinch of salt.



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